刘民辉 教授











2013年-2017年 美国华盛顿大学 护理(统计)学专业 博士

2011年-2013年 中南大学 护理专业 硕士

2007年-2011年 河南大学 护理专业 医学学士

2007年-2011年 河南大学 应用心理学专业 理学学士





2020年至2023年:中南大学湘雅-泛海健康管理研究院 副院长

2020年至2023年:中南大学湘雅护理学院 特聘副教授

2019年至今:河南大学 客座教授

2019年-2020年:河南省人民医院 客座教授

2019年-2020年:约翰斯·霍普金斯大学 国际访问项目主任

2017年-2020年:约翰斯·霍普金斯大学 博士后

2016年-2017年:华盛顿大学 教学助理

2014年-2016年: 华盛顿大学 研究助理





















论文( *通讯作者):

1. Peng W, Mo C, Luo Y, Tang S, *Liu M. Demographics moderated the association of symptom burden with falls and fall-related outcomes. Arch Gerontol Geriatr. 2024;117:105190. doi:10.1016/j.archger.2023.105190

2. Liu M, *Liu M, Wang S, Sun Y, Zhou F, Sun H. Relationship between daytime napping with the occurrence and development of diabetes: a systematic review and meta-analysis. BMJ Open. 2023;13(9):e068554. Published 2023 Sep 22. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2022-068554

3. *Liu, M., Mo, C., Luo, Y., Peng, W., & Tang, S. (2023). Longitudinal relationship between mobility device use, falls and fear of Falling (FOF) differed by frailty status among community-dwelling older adults. J Nutr Health Aging, 1-7. doi: 10.1007/s12603-023-1952-7

4. Mo, C., Peng, W., Luo, Y., Tang, S., & *Liu, M. (2023). Bidirectional relationship between fear of falling and frailty among community-dwelling older adults: A longitudinal study. Geriatric Nursing, 51: 286–292. doi.org/10.1016/j.gerinurse.2023.03.022

5. Wu, L., Liu, M., Huang, C., Yin, J., Zhou, H., & Hu, H. (2023). The development of a self-management evaluation scale for older adults with hypertension based on the Capability, Opportunity, and Motivation-Behavior (COM-B) model. BMC Geriatrics, 22(1), 672. doi: 10.1186/s12877-022-03365-0

6. Liu, K., Peng, W., Song Ge, Li, C., Zheng, Y., Huang, X., & *Liu, M. (2023). Longitudinal associations of concurrent falls and fear of falling with functional limitations differ by living alone or not. Frontiers in Public Health, 11:1007563. doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2023.1007563

7. Ge, S., Yang, C., Qu, Z., Lin, X., Liu, M., & Wang, Y. (2023). Association between seropositivity for toxocariasis and cognitive functioning in older adults: an analysis of cross-sectional data from the US National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES), 2011–2014. BMJ Open, 13(3), e068974. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2022-068974

8. Ge, S., Tian C, Wu L, *Liu M., & Lu H. (2022). Prescribed opioid use is associated with increased all-purpose emergency department visits and hospitalizations in community-dwelling older adults in the United States. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 13:1092199. doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2022.1092199

9. Peng, W., Miyawaki, C., Okoye, S., Wang, W., Luo, Y., Mo, C., & *Liu, M. (2022). Mediating role of homebound status between depressive symptoms and cognitive impairment among community-dwelling older adults: A cross-sectional analysis of a cohort study. BMJ Open, 12:e065536. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2022-065536

10. Luo, Y., Miyawaki, C.E., Valimaki, M.V., Tang, S., Sun, H., & *Liu, M. (2022). Symptoms of anxiety and depression predicting fall-related outcomes among older Americans: a longitudinal study. BMC Geriatrics, 22(749). doi: 10.1186/s12877-022-03406-8

11. Hou, T., Liu, M., & Zhang, J. (2022). Bidirectional association between visual impairment and frailty among community-dwelling older adults: a longitudinal study. BMC Geriatrics, 22(1), 672. doi: 10.1186/s12877-022-03365-0

12. Taylor, J. L., Regier, N. G., Li, Q., Liu, M., Szanton, S. L., & Skolasky, R. L. (2022). The impact of low back pain and vigorous activity on mental and physical health outcomes in older adults with arthritis. Frontiers in Pain Research, 3, 886985. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpain.2022.886985

13. Sun, X., *Liu, M., Miyawaki, C.E., Li, Y., Hou, T., & Tang, S. (2022). The association between personality and homebound status in older adults: Results from the NHATS. BMC Geriatrics, 22(93). doi: 10.1186/s12877-022-02771-8

14. Miyawaki, C., *Liu, M., Park, V., Tran, M., & Markides, K.S. (2022). Social support as a moderator of physical disability and mental health in older Vietnamese immigrants in the U.S.: Results from the Vietnamese Aging and Care Survey (VACS). Geriatric Nursing, 44:151-158. doi: 10.1016/j.gerinurse

15. Miyawaki, C.E., *Liu, M., & Markides, K.S. (2022). Association between caregivers’ characteristics and care recipients’ well-being among Vietnamese immigrant families in the United States. Journal of Community Psychology, 50(5):2214-2224. doi:10.1002/jcop.22768

16. Wang, Y., Xiao, L., Yu, Y., Huang, R., You, H., & Liu, M. (2021). An individualized telephone-based care support program for rural family caregivers of people with dementia: Study protocol for a cluster randomized controlled trial. BMC Geriatrics, 21(1):629. doi:10.1186/s12877-021-02575-2

17. Liu, M., Hou, T., Nkimbeng, M., Li, Y., Taylor, J. L., Sun, X., Tang, S., & Szanton, S. L. (2021). Associations between symptoms of pain, insomnia and depression, and frailty in older adults: A cross-sectional analysis of a cohort study. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 117, 103873. doi: 10.1016/j.ijnurstu.2021.103873

18. Li, Y., *Liu, M., Miyawaki, C.E., Sun, X., Hou, T., Tang, S., & Szanton, S.L. (2021). Bidirectional relationship between subjective age and frailty: findings from the NHATS. BMC Geriatrics, 21(395). doi:10.1186/s12877-021-02344-1

19. *Liu, M., Hou, T., Li, Y., Sun, X., Szanton, S.L., Clemson, L., & Davidson, P.M. (2021). Fear of falling is as important as multiple previous falls in terms of limiting daily activities: a longitudinal study. BMC Geriatrics, 21(350). doi:10.1186/s12877-021-02305-8

20. Regier, N.G., Taylor, J.L., Szanton, S.L., Parmelee, P.A., Perrin, N., Liu, M., Jenkins, E., Hodgson, N.A., & Gitlin, L.N. (2021). Pain in persons with dementia and the direct and indirect impacts on caregiver burden. Geriatric Nursing, 42(2), 366–371. Advance online publication. doi: org/10.1016/j.gerinurse.2021.01.007

21. Chen, R., Dai, F., Zhang, X., Yang, H., Zhang, H., & *Liu, M. (2020). Caring behaviors perceived by elderly residents and their associated factors in nursing homes in Zhengzhou City, China: a qualitative study. Health and Social Care in Community. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1111/hsc.13252

22. Li, Y., *Liu, M., Sun, X., Hou, T., Tang, S., & Szanton, S.L. (2020). Independent and synergistic effects of pain, insomnia and depressive symptoms on older adults’ falls. BMC Geriatrics, 20(491). doi:10.1186/s12877-020-01887-z

23. *Liu, M., Xue, Q., Samuel, L., Gitlin, L.N., Guralnik, J., Leff, B., & Szanton, S.L. (2020). Improvements of disability outcomes in CAPABLE older adults differ by financial strain status. Journal of Applied Gerontology. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1177/0733464820975551

24. *Liu, M., Xue, Q., Gitlin, L.N., Wolff, J., Guralnik, J., Leff, B., & Szanton, S.L. (2020). Disability prevention program improves life-space and falls efficacy: a randomized controlled trial. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1111/jgs.16808

25. Szanton, S., Clemson, L., Liu, M., Gitlin, L., Hladek, M., LaFav, S., …& Granbom, M. (2020). Pilot outcomes of a multi-component fall risk program integrated into daily lives of older adults. Journal of Applied Gerontology. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1177/0733464820912664

26. Quinn, K., Miyawaki, C.E., Croff, R., Vogel, M., Belza, B., Souza, A., & Liu, M. et al. (2020). Terms and measures of cognitive health associated with dementia and Alzheimer’s disease: A scoping review. Research on Aging, 42(5-6), 174-185. doi: 10.1177/0164027520911284

27. Wang, X., *Liu, M., Li, Y., Guo, C., Yeh, C. (2020). Community canteen services for the rural elderly: determining impacts on general mental health, nutritional status, satisfaction with life, and social capital. BMC Public Health, 20(230). doi: 10.1186/s12889-020-8305-9

28. *Liu, M. & Miyawaki, C. (2020). What types of physical function predict program adherence in older adults? Rehabilitation Nursing, 45(5), 279-286. doi: 10.1097/rnj.0000000000000209

29. *Liu, M., Zhang, X., Xiao, J., Ge, F., Tang, S., & Belza, B. (2020). Community readiness assessment for disseminating evidence-based programs for older adults in China: a case for Enhance®Fitness. Global Health Promotion, 27(1), 59-67. doi:10.1177/1757975918785144

30. *Liu, M., Taylor, J., Perrin, N., & Szanton, S. (2020). Distinct clusters of older adults with common neuropsychological symptoms: Findings from the National Health and Aging Trends Study. Geriatric Nursing, 41(3), 222-228. doi: 10.1016/j.gerinurse.2019.09.004

31. Ge, F., *Liu, M., Tang S., & Lu, Y. (2019). Accessing the discriminatory performance of FRAIL-NH in two-class and three-class frailty and examining its agreement with the frailty index among nursing home residents in mainland China. BMC Geriatrics, 19(296). doi:10.1186/s12877-019-1314-9

32. Zhang, Y., Liu, M., Zhou, L., Zhang, J., Tao, H., …& Wang, Y. (2019). Research on the formation of humanistic care ability in nursing students: A structural equation approach. Nurse Education Today. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1016/j.nedt.2019.104315

33. Li, J., Tang, S., Liu, M., Liu, W., Cheng, C., Li, Y., Sun, M., & Qin, C. (2019). The relationship between salivary cortisol and perinatal depression in women undergoing termination of pregnancy for fetal anomaly: A prospective cohort study. Midwifery, 75, 103-109. doi: 10.1016/j.midw.2019.04.010

34. Miyawaki, C. & *Liu, M. (2019). Gender differences in cognitive impairment among the old and oldest-old in China. Geriatrics & Gerontology International, 19:586-592. doi.org/10.1111/ggi.13666

35. Taylor, J., Roberts, L., Hladek, M., Liu, M., Nkimbeng, M., Boyd, C., …Szanton, S. (2019). Achieving self-management goals among low income older adults with functional limitations. Geriatric Nursing, 40(4), 424-430. doi: 10.1016/jw.gerinurse.2019.01.003

36. Ge, F., Liu, M., Lu, Y., Tang S. (2019). Comparison of frail status with FRAIL-NH Scale and Tilburg Frailty Indicator among institutional older adults. Chinese Nursing Management, 19(4), 507-511. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1672-1756.2019.04.008

37. Granbom, M., Clemson, L., Roberts, L., Hladek, M., Okoye, S., Liu, M., …Szanton, S. (2019). Preventing falls among older fallers: study protocol of a two-phase pilot study of the multicomponent LIVE-LIFE program. BMC Trials, 20(2). doi: 10.1186/s13063-018-3114-5

38. Ge, F., *Liu, M., Tang S., Lu, Y., Szanton, S. (2019). Comparing the FRAIL-NH scale and Frailty Index in assessing frailty in nursing homes. Journal of Nutrition, Aging and Health, 23(3), 291-298. doi: 10.1007/s12603-019-1156-3

39. McGough, E., Lin, S., Belza, B., Becofsky, K., Jones, D., Liu, M., Wilcox, S., & Logsdon, R. (2019). A scoping review of physical performance outcome measures used in exercise interventions for older adults with Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias. Journal of Geriatric Physical Therapy, 42(1), 28-47. doi: 10.1519/JPT.0000000000000159.

40. *Liu, M., McCurry, S. M., Belza, B., Dobra, A., Buchanan, D. T., Vitiello, M. V., & Von Korff, M. (2019). Effects of osteoarthritis pain, and concurrent insomnia and depression on health care use in a primary care population of older adults. Arthritis Care & Research, 71(6), 748-757. doi:10.1002/acr.23695

41. *Liu, M., McCurry, S. M., Belza, B., Buchanan, D. T., Dobra, A., Von Korff, M., & Vitiello, M.V. (2018). Effects of pain, insomnia, and depression on psychoactive medication supply in older adults with osteoarthritis. Medical Care, 56(12), 1024-1031. doi:10.1097/mlr.0000000000000982

42. Belza, B., Miyawaki, C.E., Liu, M., Aree-Ue, S., Fessel, M., Minott, K., & Zhang, X. (2018). A systematic review of studies using the Multidimensional Assessment of Fatigue Scale. Journal of Nursing Measurement, 26(1), 36-75. doi: 10.1891/1061-3749.26.1.36

43. Xiao, J., Liu, M., Xiao, L., Bai, Y., & Tang, S. (2017). Literature review on implementation of Enhance®Fitness program for older adults in the United States and consideration of dissemination in China. Chinese Journal of Gerontology, 13(37), 3378-3380. doi:10.3969/j.issn.1005-9202.2017.13.117

44. Tian, L., Liu, M., Li, L., Fang, Z., Xiao, H., Wu, Y., & Xia, Y. (2016). Knowledge for unintentional injury and risky behavior among the school-age children in Changsha city of China. Journal of Central South University (Medical Sciences), 41(7), 741-749. doi: 10.11817/j.issn.1672-7347.2016.07.014

45. Xiao, J., Liu, M., Xiao, L., Bai, Y., & Tang, S. (2016). Literature review on influences of square dancing programs on health outcomes in Chinese older adults with osteoarthritis. Chinese Journal of Gerontology, 23(36), 6045-6047. doi:10.3969/j.issn.1005-9202.2016.23.119

46. Wang, J., Guo, R., Liu, M., Zhang, X., Ren, L., Sun, M., & Tang, S. (2016). Career decision-making self-efficacy and professional commitment among master nursing students. Western Journal of Nursing Research, 40(3), 327-345. doi: 10.1177/0193945916682236..

47. Lu, R., Xiao, Y., Liu, M., & Shi, D. (2014). Ultrasonic elastography in the differential diagnosis of benign and malignant cervical lesions. Journal of Ultrasound in Medicine, 33(4), 667-671. doi: 10.7863/ultra.33.4.667

48. Yang, J., Ren, Y., Liu, M., Wang, Q., & Tang, S. (2014). Criterion-related validity of the Menopause-Specific Quality of Life Questionnaire-Chinese version. Journal of Central South University (Medical Sciences), 39(7): 727-732. doi: 10.11817/j.issn.1672-7347.2014.07.014.

49. Liu, M., Hu, H., Ji, B., & Tang, S. (2013). Correlation study between coping style and care burden in parents of children with epilepsy. Guangdong Medical Journal, 34(19), 3021-3023. doi: 10.13820/j.cnki.gdyx.2013.19.050

50. Liu, M., Yang, G., & Tang, S. (2013). The status quo of mental elasticity and interpersonal relationship of nursing students and the relationship study between them. Chinese Nursing Research, 27(31), 3477-3480. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1009-6493.2013.31.009.

51. Liu, M., Ji, B., & Tang, S. (2012). Nursing students' level of burnout and correlation research with turnover intention. Chinese Nursing Research, 26(12), 3294-3295. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1009-6493.2012.35.013.


  1. 《延长式螺旋防滑脱冲管封管器》,实用新型专利

  2. 《一种提示服药的药盒》,实用新型专利

  3. 《一种新型鼻胃管、鼻空肠营养管》实用新型专利

  4. 《一种定量定位的扣盖式滴眼药水瓶》,实用新型专利



  1. 主编:《护理研究》,高等教育出版社,北京(待出版)

  2. 主译:Behavioral Intervention Research: Designing, Evaluating and Implementing,人民卫生出版社,北京(待出版)

  3. 主译Interdisciplinary Nutritional Management and Care for Older Adults,中南大学出版社(待出版)

  4. 副主编:《护理研究与实践》,人民卫生出版社,北京(待出版)

  5. 参编:《老年护理学》,科学出版社,北京(待出版)

  6. 参编:《中国护理百科全书》,中国大百科全书出版社,北京,2023

  7. 参编:《高级健康评估》,中南大学出版社,长沙,2023

  8. 参编:《老年健康与慢病护理》,化学工业出版社,北京,2022,09

  9. 参编:《新发呼吸道传染病护理应急防控指南》,中南大学出版社,长沙,2020.12

  10. Liu, M. (2019). Chapter 20: Health Planning for Older Adults. In Savage, C.L. (Eds.) Public Health Science and Nursing Practice: Caring for Populations 2nd edition. F.A. Davis, Philadelphia.


1. #Peng,W., Luo,Y., & Liu, M. (2024). Patterns and associatedfactors of technology use in U.S. community-dwelling older adults. The Gerontological Society of America (GSA) 2024 AnnualScientific Meeting, Seattle, Washington.

2. #Zheng,Y., Peng, W., Liu, M., Gong, N., & Li, C. (2024). Culturally adaptinga tailored activity program for Chinese older adults living in nursing homes.The Gerontological Society of America (GSA) 2024 Annual ScientificMeeting, Seattle, Washington.

3. #Yang,H., Cao, M., Huang, C., Jin, Y., & Liu, M. (2024). Associations of proteinintake with the risk of all-cause, cardiovascular, and cancer mortality: a meta-analysis.The Gerontological Society of America (GSA) 2024 Annual Scientific Meeting,Seattle, Washington.

4. #Cao,M., Li, Y., Yang, H., Jin, Y., Liu, M., & Huang, C. (2024). The correlation between SHBGand blood lipid and glucose among Chinese middle-aged and older adults. TheGerontological Society of America (GSA) 2024 Annual Scientific Meeting,Seattle, Washington.

5. *Peng,W., Luo, Y., & Liu, M. (2024). Longitudinalassociation of digital health technology use with dementia in older adults. TheGerontological Society of America (GSA) 2024 Annual Scientific Meeting,Seattle, Washington.

6. *Luo,Y., Mo, C., Peng, W., Szanton, S.L., & Liu, M. (2024). Pilot outcomesof a fall prevention program “LIVE-LiFE” for community-dwelling older adults inChina. The GerontologicalSociety of America (GSA) 2024 Annual Scientific Meeting, Seattle, Washington.

7. *He, H., Tang, S., Peng,W., Liu, K., Wang, S., Bai, Y., Huang, C., & Liu, M. Exploringfrailty prevalence and risk factors among stroke patients: a multicenter cross-sectionalstudy. The GerontologicalSociety of America (GSA) 2024 Annual Scientific Meeting, Seattle, Washington.

8. *Liu,M., Wang, S., Zhang, R., Li, Q., Peng, W., He, H., Chen, Z., & Huang, C. (2024). Moderatingrole of neighborhood characteristic on intrinsic capacity and functional limitations.The Gerontological Society of America (GSA) 2024 Annual Scientific Meeting,Seattle, Washington.

9. *Wang, S., Li, Q., Xue, Q., &Liu, M. (2024). Multimorbidity patterns predict the order of physicalfrailty and cognitive impairment occurrence. The Gerontological Society ofAmerica (GSA) 2024 Annual Scientific Meeting, Seattle, Washington.

10. *Li,C., Liu, K., Peng, W., Zheng,Y., Huang, C., & Liu, M. (2024). Association of age-friendly communitieswith intrinsic capacity in community-dwelling older adults. TheGerontological Society of America (GSA) 2024 Annual Scientific Meeting,Seattle, Washington.

11. *Liu,K., Li, C., Chen, Z., Yang, X., He, H., Huang, C., & Liu, M. (2024). The utilizationand influencing factors among older adults in home care services of property companies.The Gerontological Society of America (GSA) 2024 Annual Scientific Meeting,Seattle, Washington.

12. *Li, Q., Peng, W., Wang, S., Yang, H., Zhang, H., & Liu, M. (2024). Mobility device use moderated bidirectionalassociation of fear of falling with homebound status. The GerontologicalSociety of America (GSA) 2024 Annual Scientific Meeting, Seattle, Washington.

13. *Zhang,H., Huang, C., & Liu, M. (2024). Cross-culture adaptation and validationof the Chinese version of Manchester COPD fatigue scale (MCFS). TheGerontological Society of America (GSA) 2024 Annual Scientific Meeting,Seattle, Washington.

14. *Peng, W., Miyawaki, C.E., Mo, C., Luo, Y., Tang, S., & Liu,M. (2023). Develop and externally validate a risk prediction model for screeningcognitive frailty in older adults. The GerontologicalSociety of America (GSA) 2023 Annual ScientificMeeting, Tampa, FL.

15. *Peng,W., Miyawaki, C.E., Mo, C., Luo, Y., Tang, S., & Liu, M. (2022). Demographicdifferences in the longitudinal effects of symptoms on falls and fall-relatedoutcomes. The Gerontological Society of America (GSA) 2022 AnnualScientific Meeting.

16. *Liu,K., Peng, W., Miyawaki, C.E., Li, C., Zheng, Y., Tang, S., & Liu, M.,& Tang, S. (2022). Previous falls and fear of falling on functionallimitations: a longitudinal study. The Gerontological Society of America(GSA) 2022 Annual Scientific Meeting.

17. *Miyawaki,C.E., Liu, M., Ta Park, V., Tran, M.T., & Markides, K.S. (2022). Receiptof social support and mental health in older Vietnamese immigrants: Resultsfrom the Vietnamese Aging and Care Survey (VACS). The Society for SocialWork and Research (SSWR) Annual Conference, Washington, D.C.

18. *Miyawaki,C.E., Liu, M., Markides, K.S. (2021). Vietnamese family's strengthand resilience and social worker's role during the pandemic. The Council onSocial Work Education Annual Program Meeting (CSWE APM), Orlando, FL.

19. *Miyawaki,C.E., Liu, M., Markides, K.S. (2021). Vietnamese family's strengthand resilience and healthcare professionals' role during the pandemic. TheGerontological Society of America (GSA) 2021 Annual Scientific Meeting Online.

20. #Hou,T., Peng, W., Mo, C., Luo, Y., Sun, X., Tang, S., & Liu, M. (2021). Bidirectionalassociation between visual impairment and frailty among community-dwellingolder adults: a longitudinal study. The 8th Xiangya Nursing InternationalAcademic Conference, Changsha, China.

21. #Mo,C., Luo, Y., Peng, W., Hou, T., Sun, X., Tang, S., & Liu, M. (2021).Vision impairment and frailty among community-dwelling older adults:depressive symptom as a mediator. The 8th Xiangya Nursing InternationalAcademic Conference, Changsha, China.

22. #Sun,X., Peng, W., Hou, T., Luo, Y., Mo, C., Liu,M., & Tang, S. (2021). Association between sleep problems andhomebound status among community-dwelling older adults. The 8th XiangyaNursing International Academic Conference, Changsha, China.

23. #Peng,W., Mo, C., Luo, Y., Hou, T., Sun, X., Tang, S., & Liu, M. (2021). Didearly life relationships with family, neighbors or friends predict adultcognitive impairment? The 8th Xiangya Nursing International AcademicConference, Changsha, China.

24. #Luo,Y., Mo, C., Peng, W., Hou, T., Sun, X., Tang, S., & Liu, M. (2021). Effectsof sensory impairment on falls among community-dwelling older adults: alongitudinal study. The 8th Xiangya Nursing International AcademicConference, Changsha, China.

25. #Hou,T., Peng, W., Luo, Y., Mo, C., Tang, S., & Liu, M. (2021). Bidirectionalassociation between frailty and dementia among community-dwelling older adults:a longitudinal study. Xiangya Nursing International Academic Conference(7th) & Jishou University, Jishou, China.

26. #Luo,Y., Peng, W., Mo, C., Hou, T., Tang, S., & Liu, M. (2021). Anxiety,depressive symptoms predicting fall-related outcomes among community-dwellingolder adults: a longitudinal study. Xiangya Nursing International AcademicConference (7th) & Jishou University, Jishou, China.

27. #Peng,W., Luo, Y., Mo, C., Hou, T., Tang, S., & Liu, M. (2021). Role ofhomebound status as a mediator between depression and cognitive impairment incommunity-dwelling older adults. Xiangya Nursing International AcademicConference (7th) & Jishou University, Jishou, China.

28. #Mo, C.,Luo, Y., Peng, W., Hou, T., Tang, S., & Liu, M. (2021). Mobilitydevice use, falls, fear of falling and frailty among older adults: alongitudinal study. Xiangya Nursing International Academic Conference (7th)& Jishou University, Jishou, China.

29. *Hou,T., Liu, M., Li, Y., Sun, X., &Tang, S. (2021). Association ofco-occurring dementia and auditory impairment with activity limitations inolder adults: a cross-sectional study. International Council of Nurses(ICN) Congress Online.

30. *RegierN.G., Taylor J.L., Li, Q., Liu, M., Szanton, S.L., & Skolasky R.L.(2021). The impact of low back pain and physical activity on mental and physicalhealth outcomes in older adults with arthritis. The Gerontological Societyof America (GSA) 2021 Annual Scientific Meeting Online.

31. *Miyawaki, C.E., Liu, M.,& Markides, K.S. (2021). Vietnamese family’s strength and resilience andhealthcare professionals’ role during the pandemic. The Gerontological Society of America (GSA)2021 Annual Scientific Meeting Online.

32. *Liu,M., Li, Y., Sun, X.,Miyawaki, C.E., Hou, T., Tang, S., & Szanton, S.L. (2020). Bidirectionallongitudinal relationships between homebound status and falls among olderadults. The Gerontological Society of America (GSA) 2020 Annual ScientificMeeting Online.

33. *Liu,M., Xue, Q., Gitlin, L.N.,Wolff, J., Guralnik, J., Leff, B., & Szanton, S.L. (2020). Disabilityprevention program improves life-space and falls efficacy: A randomized controltrial. The Gerontological Society of America (GSA) 2020 Annual ScientificMeeting Online.

34. #Li,Y., Liu, M., Miyawaki, C.E., Hou, T., Sun, X., Tang, S., & Szanton,S.L. (2020). Bidirectional relationship between subjective age and fear offalling: findings from the NHATS. The Gerontological Society of America(GSA) 2020 Annual Scientific Meeting Online.

35. *Li,Y., Liu, M., Miyawaki, C.E., Sun, X., Hou, T., Tang, S., & Szanton,S.L. (2020). Bidirectional relationship between subjective age and frailty:findings from the NHATS. The Gerontological Society of America (GSA) 2020Annual Scientific Meeting Online.

36. *Sun,X., Liu, M., Miyawaki, C.E., Li, Y., Hou, T., Tang S., Szanton, S.L.(2020). Longitudinal relationships between favorite activities and homeboundstatus in older adults. The Gerontological Society of America (GSA) 2020Annual Scientific Meeting Online.

37. #Sun,X., Liu, M., Miyawaki, C.E., Li, Y., Hou, T., Tang S., Szanton, S.L.(2020). The association between personality and homebound status in olderadults: results from the NHATS. The Gerontological Society of America (GSA)2020 Annual Scientific Meeting Online.

38. #Hou,T., Liu, M., Miyawaki, C.E., Li, Y., Sun, X., Tang S., Szanton, S.L.(2020). Favorite activity patterns among older adults with and withoutdementia: findings from the NHATS. The Gerontological Society of America(GSA) 2020 Annual Scientific Meeting Online.


1. Liu, M. (2023). Academic practice and exploration of tutors in nursing institutions. National Forum on the Development of Male Nurses, Wuhan, China

2. Liu, M. (2023). Evaluation of healthy aging evidence-based programs from the perspective of implementation science, the First Medical and Geriatric Health Academic Conference of Peking University, Beijing, China

3. Liu, M. (2023). How to develop a feasible and credible research plan. Seminar on Scientific Paper Writing and Submission Skills and Enhancement of Scientific Research and Innovation Abilities for Nursing Graduate Students, Fujian, China

4. Liu, M. (2023). Evaluation of healthy aging evidence-based programs from the perspective of implementation science. National Evidence-Based Nursing Academic Exchange Conference of the Chinese Nursing Association, Jinan, China

5. Liu, M. (2023). Development and enlightenment of evidence-based programs in the context of healthy aging. Nursing Young Scholars Forum of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao University Alliance, Guangdong, China

6. Liu, M. (2023). Considerations in the design of nursing intervention research. 2023 Guangxi Undergraduate Nursing Education Symposium, Nanning, China

7. Liu, M. (2023). Research on the impact of chronic symptoms in the elderly on health outcomes and health resource utilization: based on real-world data. Smart Health Digital Empowerment - 2023 Second Xuzhou Yunlong Digital Economy and Smart Health Summit Forum and Continuing Education Project on Chronic Disease Smart Nursing and Innovative Practice, Xuzhou, China

8. Liu, M. (2023). Academic paper writing from the perspective of an editorial board member of English scientific journals. The 2nd Pain Management Academic Conference of the Pain Nursing Professional Committee of the Hunan Provincial Nursing Association, Changsha, China

9. Liu, M. (2023). Career development planning for nursing students. Changsha Medical College, Changsha, China.

10. Liu, M. (2023). Research on the burden of chronic symptoms in the elderly based on the nhats population database. Nursing Discipline Construction Summit Forum and the 20th Anniversary Academic Exchange Meeting of Graduate Education of Nanjing Medical University, Nanjing, China

11. Liu, M. (2023). Considerations in the design of nursing interventional research. Young Scholars Forum in Nursing and Teacher Training at the Clinical Teaching Base of Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine, Online.

12. Liu, M. (2023). Thoughts and outlook of implementing evidence-based programs under the background of healthy aging in China. Luojia (Wuhan University) Nursing Crossover Forum, Wuhan, China.

13. Liu, M. (2023). How to critically analyze and appraise a published scientific article. Ningbo First Hospital, Ningbo, China.

14. Liu, M. (2023). Writing systematic reviews and meta-analysis papers. Hunan Children’s Hospital, Changsha, China.

15. Liu, M. (2023). Strategies and experience sharing on natural science grant application. Xiangnan University, Chenzhou, China.

16. Liu, M. (2022). Preliminary effects of Lifestyle-Integrated Functional Exercise (LiFE) Programm on frailty among community-dwelling older adults. The 3rd German -Chinese Symposium on Elderly Care, Online.

17. Liu, M. (2022). Career plans and advice for student nurses. The First National Nursing Student Forum of the Chinese Nursing Association, Online.

18. Liu, M. (2023). Academic paper writing from the perspective of an editorial member of English scientific journals. Ningbo First Hospital, Ningbo, China.

19. Liu, M. (2022). Preliminary effects of Lifestyle-Integrated Functional Exercise (LiFE) Programm on frailty among community-dwelling older adults. The 1st Summit Forum on Geriatric Friendly Hospital Construction, Online.

20. Liu, M. (2022). Nursing education in the US and career pathways for clinical nurses. Academic Forum on Evidence-based Nursing Education and Nursing Education Reform, Changsha, China.

21. Liu, M. (2022). The role of nursing research in improving clinical care quality. The 27th Congress of Chinese Pediatric Society, Online.

22. Liu, M. (2022). Skills in scientific writing. Shaoyang University, Online.

23. Liu, M. (2022). Promoting aging in place: the case of an interdisciplinary evidence-based disability prevention program. The 6th Henan University International Youth Scholars Forum, Online.

24. Liu, M. (2022). Consolidate the foundation of nursing research and improve the quality of clinical nursing care. Xiangya Nursing International Academic Conference & Xiangya Lean Nursing Quality Management Conference, Changsha, China.

25. Liu, M. (2022). Promoting aging in place: the case of an evidence-based disability prevention program. WHO Collaborating Centre (WHOCC) Webinar, Online.

26. Liu, M. (2022). Developing New Approach for Nursing Education, Research and Practice. 1st RTANC international virtual conference, Online.

27. Liu, M. (2022). Promoting aging in place: the case of an interdisciplinary evidence-based disability prevention program. Hunan University of Medicine, Huaihua, China.

28. Liu, M. (2022). Writing systematic reviews and meta-analysis papers. Xiangtan Central Hospital, Xiangtan, China.

29. Liu, M. (2022). Strategies on natural science grant application. Shandong Xiehe University, Jinan, China.

30. Liu, M. (2022). Academic paper writing from the perspective of an editorial member of English scientific journals. Zhengjiang Hospital, Online.

31. Liu, M. (2022). Academic paper writing from the perspective of an editorial member of English scientific journals. Jiaxing University, Jiaxing, China.

32. Liu, M. (2022). Academic paper writing from the perspective of an editorial member of English scientific journals. Changchun University of Chinese Medicine, Online.

33. Liu, M. (2021). Experience sharing on natural science grant application. Changsha Medical College, Changsha, China.

34. Liu, M. (2021). Promoting aging in place: the case of an evidence-based disability prevention program. The 2nd Shanghai International Geriatric Rehabilitation Forum, Online.

35. Liu, M. (2022). Experience sharing on grant applications to National Science Foundation of China. Guizhou Medical University, Online.

36. Liu, M. (2021). Evidence-based Fall Prevention Programs: A case of LIVE-LiFE. The Winter Camp with Universities in Hong Kong, Online.

37. Liu, M. (2021). Thoughts and outlook of implementing evidence-based programs under the background of healthy aging in China. 2021 Zhejiang Medical Association Geriatrics Academic Conference, Hangzhou, China.

38. Liu, M. (2021). Common types of study design in nursing interventions. Xinjiang Medical University, Urumqi, China.

39. Liu, M. (2020). Thoughts and outlook of implementing evidence-based programs under the background of healthy aging in China. Nanjing Medical University, Online.

40. Liu, M. (2020). Skills in scientific writing. The First Affiliated Hospital of University of South China, Hengyang, China.

41. Liu, M. (2020). Development and adaptation of evidence-based programs. Guangdong Nurses’ Association, Guangzhou, China.

42. Liu, M. (2020). Skills on scientific writing. Xiangya Hospital, Changsha, China.




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