· 近五年获得的奖项 2023-06-20
· 2021年-2022年宁夏医学会优秀论文奖 2023-06-20
· 近五年代表性的成果 2023-06-20
· 基础医学院2018年度SCI成果展示 2020-04-14
· 基础医学院2019年度SCI成果展示清单 2020-04-14
· 冯宁川等 IF5.4 2018-12-05
· 何瑞等 IF12.353 Prevention of pancreatic acinar cell carcinoma by Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass Surger... 2018-12-05
· 吴际等 IF5.128 Effects of bisphenol A on ovarian follicular development and female germline stem ... 2018-12-05
· 吴际等 IF5.5 Ablation of the MiR-17-92 MicroRNA Cluster in Germ Cells Causes Subfertility in Fema... 2018-12-05
· 何瑞等 IF6.183 Esophagus-duodenum Gastric Bypass Surgery Improves Glucose and Lipid Metabolism in... 2018-12-05
· 吴际等 IF5.963 Circular RNA expression profiles of mouse ovaries during postnatal development and... 2018-12-05
· 吴际等 IF6.091 Competing endogenous RNA expression …… 2018-12-05
· 摆茹等 IF6.176 miR-23a British jounal of cancer 2017-11-10
· 张淑雅等 IF 7.33 1-A host deficiency of discoidin domain receptor 2 (DDR2) inhibits both tumour ... 2017-11-10
· 杨文君等 IF 5.1 Targeted next generation sequencing identifies somatic 2017-11-09
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